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Nowości, informację, zaproszenia..
Have the boys even been so inspired? We don't think so.
Monster Trucks and Beard Shaving. The boys discuss the world of online shopping.
PLAY is here! Here's a tutorial to show you everything you need to know about the newest feature on Lockerz. We've started with a very small selection of videos, including music videos from artists like Ludacris and Rihanna as well as original webisodes and Lockerz favorites. This is just a taste of what's to come. Soon, we'll be adding hundreds and thousands more, and asking for your feedback as we build the best collection worldwide! Just hit the orange button and you're ready to PLAY — and earn more PTZ when you do!
Dave breaks down the question for today.
Is this question too hard to answer? Our designers tackle a question that is near and dear to their hearts.
Are the boys labeled? Find out here.
As Fashion Week comes to an end, we ask the boys if fashion is a priority.
Get ready for the Member Appreciation Redemption Sign Up starting tomorrow evening. Here are the rules:
1. You can only sign up for one (1) option, so select carefully.
2. PTZ are nonrefundable.
3. By signing up, you increase your chances to redeem a prize, but you are not guaranteed a prize.
4. PTZ needed to redeem a prize are in addition to the PTZ used to sign up for Member Appreciation Redemption.
Rules for Member Appreciation Redemption on 2/25:
1. You can only redeem one (1) prize in total, including the General Redemption.
2. You must login during each wave to participate.
3. These Rules are listed in the Lockerz FAQ.
Are the boys getting on board with the latest Apple trend? Find out first hand.
Based on your feedback, we're testing out a new redemption process this month. We are offering an additional three waves (“Member Appreciation Redemption”) as well as the general redemption for a total of four waves in order to give our members more chances and new ways to redeem.
On Feb. 18, members can sign up for the Member Appreciation Redemption.
Here's how it works:
The Member Appreciation Redemption will take place on Feb. 25 in three waves:
For 350 PTZ, you get up to three chances to redeem.
For 250 PTZ, you get up to two chances to redeem.
For 100 PTZ, you get one chance to redeem.
As soon as you sign up, your confirmation page will give you the redemption time(s).
By signing up, you'll gain access into an exclusive PTZ Place on Feb.25.
Taking part in our Member Appreciation Redemption does not guarantee a prize, but it does increase your chances.
If you don't want to participate, don't worry! We'll be having a general redemption soon after the Member Appreciation Redemption.
You may only redeem one prize in total in February.
We'll be posting the rules and FAQ soon so stay tuned.
Let the competition begin.
Lockerz members: thanks for your great ideas yet again. You told us you'd like us to try two big changes for our next redemption: more waves and more info on the exact time and date. We listened. So in February, we're letting you put your PTZ to work to participate in up to four waves, and find out the date and time these waves will happen. Check tomorrow's hallway for more details!
Let the games begin.
The boys discuss the perfect gift for the one you love!
Falling in love has never been this easy. All you have to do is click and drag the above image to your desktop.
Once you’ve got the image on your desktop, email it to yourself or upload it your phone and get in the spirit of Valentine’s.
Cupid stopped by the office and designed a paper heart for all of us.
Lockerz Z-listers: If you've made Z-List in the past month and your address is filled out in your settings -- good news! This week we sent 10,000 orders to our warehouse to get filled next week. Thanks for your patience as we get these shirts out to you.
Follow along as the boys fall in love with today's question.
Do the boys have a soft side? Find out with today's question!
Even Snowpocalypse won't stop the boys from doing the Dailies.
The boys play Monday Morning quarterback (on Tuesday!) We dig in to the annual feast of Super Bowl commercials.
The boys discuss lucre and love.
Dave and Anthony get into the Super Bowl spirit.
Our hip heads choose their Queen.
Dear Lockerz Member,
Congratulations on becoming a Z-Lister. You are now a member of a very exclusive group of cool, hip, in-the-know trendsetters who discovered Lockerz very early. Now you will enjoy lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt.
Before we can ship your Z-List t-shirt, you must verify and update your account settings by 7:00 a.m. EST, Monday, Feb. 8, 2010. If your address is not verified, chances are we will not be able to send out your free Lockerz t-shirt. You can locate your settings in the top right of your Lockerz page under 'My Account'.
Please make sure that your address is in standard English lettering, and that all of the address fields are filled with your full mailing address. If your mailing address is valid you will receive a shipping confirmation within 3-5 business days.
Thanks for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-List status. Keep earning PTZ so that you'll be ready to redeem a prize during our next PTZ Place redemption.
The Lockerz Crew
If you have any problems or questions please contact support@lockerz.com
The boys wax poetic on actresses and iPhone tragedy.
We’re giving away one pair of these awe-inspiring headphones, which are beloved by famous athletes and club dj’s. They’re good looking, adorned with stylish skulls, and they let you blast at the highest volume in full, glorious sound. How do you get a pair? All you have to do is send us your own personal playlist — the 14 songs you love and think the Lockerz nation would love. We’ll select one winner. Get us all dancing and get these headphones! Send your list to mixup@lockerz.com. Added bonus: your name in headlights when we feature you here!
Here’s a card we created just for our members as the day of love approaches.
Better than Cupid’s Arrow, this work of art is sure to impress that certain someone.
The boys get green.
Hey DJ!
We've been giving you our staff picks for the Weekly Mix-Up. This week, we're turning the turntables over to you. Send us a list of the 14 songs you think make a perfect party mix or playlist: prizes@lockerz.com. We'll feature one winner on our blog so let us know what you like to play loud!
The boys get dreamy.
Prize update:
Members who redeemed an Amazon.com Gift Card or PayPal prize in our January redemption will receive this prize via email within 5-7 days. Congratulations!
Congratulations to members who redeemed a PayPal gift in the January redemption!
Here are some answers to questions about Paypal:
1. Your PTZ won't be deducted until we process your prize.
2. We will send an email to the address associated with your Lockerz account. This email will be from PayPal and will allow you to click on a link to retrieve your funds.
3. You do not need to have a bank account or credit card to use or access your PayPal cash.
4. If you already have another PayPal account, just add your Lockerz email address to this one (you can have up to eight). You can then just log in to your existing PayPal account to access your funds.
Think the boys could moonlight as mechanics? Find out here.